The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. 

Barack Obama 9/25/12

Taken at face value what the president said could be construed as Prez Barry just being polite and/or trying to cool the passions of the mobs in Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan (notice how these are all US allies?).

Still even at face value the sentiment is obscene.

The future should belong to those who insult Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and every other religion as well as atheism.

Apart from Islam the rest of mankind’s various faiths or non-faiths have adopted the ancient philosophy of “Sticks and stones may break our bones but names will never hurt us.”

If the right of free speech is confined only to nice speech our world and our country would be incredibly boring, silly and stupid.

It is not a coincidence that where freedom to insult is protected one can find the highest standard of living for everyone, the lowest illiteracy, the best health care, and the most technological innovation.

Life in the polite countries of the Muslim world, the president wishes to emulate, sucks for the vast majority of their populations. The prophet of Islam may be safe from insults and his followers are on the whole safe from literacy, vaccinations, and free market capitalism or any award for merit.

They aren’t safe from murder, rape (its the woman’s fault), mayhem, revolution.

And so far they are also pretty safe from peace.

Apart from the disgusting face value there is an equally disgusting hidden meaning in the president’s sentiment.

We are sure at least we hope there are people in his staff that understand insulting the prophet means one thing to the infidels and quite another to the faithful.

While it would be truly awful to live in a world where saying “Mohammed’s mother wore army boots” would be a crime, it would be heaven compared to one under the Muslim definition of insulting the prophet.

For a Muslim the insult is not confined to a blatant insult done with motive but also by denying the divinity of his massage found in the Koran (oops, we just insulted Islam, didn’t call it the Holy Koran).

Under that definition and believe us, most Muslims read it exactly that way, going to church or synagogue or not going at all is an insult, punishable by a fine or lashing.

Going to a Hindu temple is punishable by death as is being an atheist.

Insulting the prophet also extends to eating pork and not eating cow.

Insulting the prophet means being an infidel in charge of believers, owning more than believers, living better than believers, being smarter than believers, beating a believer in any kind of physical or mental contest.

Insulting the prophet means not ascribing to the quaint notion that Islam is the perfect faith and all others are in error.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are insults to the prophet as are our courts, our democracy and our way of life.

Now our president should know this, being partly raised in Indonesia and spending a year in Pakistan as a young adult.

Heck we picked it up just by reading the Koran and having some Muslim friends.

He may just be none to bright but on the other hand he may think he governs morons, just like that Prince of Peace Yassir Arafat would say one thing in English and quite another in Arabic.

Kudos to Barry, he did it at the same time.

While we still have the chance

Hey Mohammed, your mother wears army boots!!!.