Howard Copelan

This is  quick note to any parents of future murderers, rapists or child molesters out there.

We really, really, really don’t care how you feel, really.

And we mean that in the coldest possible way.

Your kid commits a crime against an innocent we will report it.

Indeed we will go to town on the story and we could care less how you feel.

And if that bothers you say more than having a kid in your house that is already exhibiting antisocial and violent tendencies then maybe you should be getting outside help like NOW!!!!.

There are a whole lot worse things than being publicly embarrassed about a son’s or a daughter’s criminal behavior.

Being a parent of a victim, visiting a grave, trying to mend a broken soul in a violated body are horrors we cannot even imagine. The parents of murderers, rapists or child molesters got it easy compared to that.

So don’t waste our time or your bile.

You raised monsters, just say you are sorry and deal with it.


This week we celebrate the 110 anniversary of Centra Com.

While they are new t Wendover 110 years in operation is something that should be remarked on and saluted.

We found out we were dealing with a different kind of company a couple of years ago when we lost internet at 3 am.

We called up the hotline and got a live person in their offices!!!!!!

It was a miracle!!!

Not only were they there in person the techs carefully worked us through our problem and 15 minutes later we were back on line!!!

We didn’t even have to go to their back up plan which would have meant waking their local tech to come out to our office and fix things or failing that them moving our operation to a place where we could continue working.

Since then we can count on just one hand the number of times our service went out and it has always been restored within the hour if not in minutes.

That kind of service is probably why they have been in business so long.

There might be some providers in town who are cheaper (though we doubt it) but what is the point of getting a great deal on tv, phone or internet service if it doesn’t work and you have to wait till tomorrow or the next day or week to get it fixed?

Thus we say very proudly that we are customers of Centra Com and we would not have it any other way.

Congratulations on 110!!!