

Three brand new West Wendover City Councilmen took their seats Tuesday along with two returnees.

West Wendover Mayor Emily Carter swore in John Hansen, Jasie Holm, Izzy Gutierrez and later following his appointment Nick Flores joined them at the council table. Jerry Andersen who won the two year council seat in the last election was sworn in last week

Of the five councilmen only Gutierrez can be considered a true incumbent. Andersen who technically won re-election was appointed to fill a vacant seat just this February.

newmontBut because of retirements, resignations, and losses at the polls Andersen is the second longest serving councilman on the board.

But while made up mostly of political novices this new edition of the West Wendover City Council may be one of the most educated and business savvy since the city incorporated in 1991.

Hansen and Andersen are both high level executives in the Peppermill Corporation and Holm and Hansen own their own businesses. All sitting councilmen are also home owners in Wendover.


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