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Three Wendover teens walked away with only slight to moderate injuries from accident that could have easily been worse, much worse Friday.

“I was amazed there were no fatalities,” said UHP Sergeant Brenchley. “It was a miracle, thankfully. Wendover has had more than its share of tragedies recently.”

According to Brenchley the accident occurred around noon when the Dodge neon driven by Shad Luna, 17, attempted to pass a semitrailer truck driven by Beverly Austin of Mesa Arizona.

Luna along with friends Sydney Richey, 17, and Shawn Ratliff, 16, were reportedly on their way to the popular metro Restaurant located 2 miles east of Wendover for lunch.

Luna, Brenchley said, gave the semi too wide a berth and left the interstate to the soft shoulder. The boy then over corrected, lost control of his car and drove directly under the wheels of the massive truck.

“You can see by the photos that the truck just destroyed the front end of the car.” Brenchley added. “None of the three were wearing seat belts either. One or all of them could have been easily killed. But it didn’t happen.”

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All three teens did receive what were described as moderate but not life threatening injuries including deep cuts, cracked bones and perhaps strained backs.

The Salt Flats Metro is a popular teenage hang out in Wendover offering good food at reasonable prices and because both the high schools in town are open campuses it does a very hefty lunch trade.