Three Salt Lake men are in the Elko County jail after one of them allegedly shot up heroin in public last Friday, according to police reports.

According to a press released from the west Wendover Police Department were summoned to a local business and found a plastic bag containing several hypodermic needles and a metal spoon with a white residue suspected to be heroin. Witnesses and video surveillance identified the man as Sonny Morrison aged 34 from Salt Lake City.

Morrison was soon apprehended and apparently fingered two fellow travelers, Eric MacDonald, 55 and John Sellers, 39, both of Salt Lake. Both men were found in their hotel room. Also found on MacDonald was a quantity of drugs and paraphernalia.

Morrison was arrested on several drug charges and given a bail of over $11,000. MacDonald was also arrested on drug charges and given a bail of over $6,000. Sellers while not charge on any drug charges was found to be in violation of an 86 ruling by the hotel. He was charged with trespassing and also booked into jail on a $352 bail.