With the Bonneville Power Administration’s new wholesale power cost increase taking effect starting Oct. 1, WREC is hosting a rate hearing at the Wendover City Community Building next week to answer questions or concerns from owners regarding how their electricity bills will be impacted.

WREC employees will be available from 5 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 27 to speak with WREC owners. Owners are also encouraged to stop by their local office during business hours to speak with employees if they desire.

The impact on residential rate class users is expected to remain a single digit percent increase resulting from the rising cost of regulation and increasing demand for power in the Pacific Northwest. WREC is also in the process of determining a service charge that reflects the true cost of service for each of our owners.

WREC is proud to sell energy to owners at cost and has been extremely proactive in reducing any increase on the people we serve. Regardless, there are many energy efficiency and conservation practices that can help owners mitigate the impact of an adjustment. Owners should visit their local office, www.wrec.coop or WREC’s Facebook page to learn more.
