PUBLIC NOTICE OF FILING BY WEST WENDOVER RECREATION DISTRICT OF WRITTEN REPORT FOR STANDBY SERVICE CHARGE ASSESSMENTS TO BE ON COUNTY TAX ROLL AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that West Wendover Recreation District has resolved to have the West Wendover Recreation District Standby Service Charge collected on the Elko County Tax Roll. A written report was filed with the secretary of the West Wendover Recreation District on April 8, 2015, describing each parcel of property to be assessed and the amount of the charge for each parcel. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the report are available for public examination and distribution upon request at the office of the West Wendover Recreation District, 950 West Florence Way, West Wendover, Nevada. The West Wendover Recreation District intends to take final action on the written report at a regular meeting on Thursday, the 21st, day of May, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., M.D.T., at the West Wendover Public Library, Pilot Peak Meeting Room, 590 Camper Drive, West Wendover, Nevada. The Board, at such time and place, shall hear and consider all objections or protests to the report. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the West Wendover Recreation District, Nevada has caused this Notice to be given as required by N.R.S. 318.201. DATED this 8th day of April, 2015. WEST WENDOVER RECREATION DISTRICT /s/ R. Gary Corona, Vice Chairman Published in the High Desert ADVOCATE May 7, 2015.