G WopJanuary 13

Commission Meeting

Public Comments

Ross Rivera –  Addressed  incorrect stats in agenda item. County has 8,876 sq. miles, Ely 33 volunteers, 2015 – 570 calls, city has 3.75 sq miles. I feel this is putting the cart before the house. I don’t think the commission needs to spend $50,000 to find a Direction to go. The figures in backup materials were misrepresented to hire a consultant. The public should know.

Agenda item #2

   Pursue an independent feasibility study for consolidation of county and city fire departments. Cost to be up to $50,000.

  Money to come from fire and EMT budget.

   Elizabeth Francis- Funding volunteer Chiefs have agreed to give up money from the budgets in addition there is some equipment repair and maintenance money that can be used for this study. Finally there is money in EMS that is for equipment. This equipment has been requested and not needed at this time.

  Richard Howe- we don’t need this study until we sit down and talk with the city. The city may not agree with the study.

   Mike Coster – To say it is in the budget is incorrect.

Vote – 2/3 Howe & Coster opposed

George Chachas – Agenda item 2 spending $50,000. is a waste of money. In the past the county paid $50,000 for a head hunter to bring in a new financial director. You hired a local person.

Mike Wheable (DA) “This is a bad vote and a wast of money.”

continental cabinets dec 2015

Agenda item #3

  Appoint someone to form a committee to work with city to combine fire and EMT departments.

  Gary Perea does not want to go forward. The air is too toxic.

  Richard Howe we have kept open dialogue. We have to sit down and talk. If we can’t come together than come back and do the study.

   Laurie Carson agrees with Gary. This has gone on for generations and nobody can tell me why.

   Carol McKenzie I don’t like forming committees. Let’s get it over.

   Mike Coster when there are not legitimate lines of communication, illegitimate lines of communication develop. We have started communications, why stop?  Mike read an email listing the people the city wants on their negotiating team. The list consists of Kurt Carson, Bruce Setterstrom, Robert Switzer, Chuck Odgers and Micheal Peterson.

  Mike Coster makes motion- Gary, Richard, fire fighter (possible Bill Ward), Elizabeth Francis and a county citizen non fire person.

Vote 2/3  Howe & Coster yes


Agenda item #4 – work with city to establish a joint health insurance pool.

Approved by all

Robert Switzer – Agenda item # 4 to work with city to for joint health insurance pool can be a benefit and cost saving for both the city and county.


  Bill 01-28-2015 (Ordinance #459) establish advisory committee. Authorizing a telephone surcharge to be imposed for the purpose of improvement of reporting emergencies.

  New fee of .25 on phone bills. A public hearing will be necessary .

Richard Howe feels new leadership is needed. I am not happy with the way the leadership is going.

Chairman of the commission will remain Gary Perea.

Vice Chairman will be Carol McKenzie

Liaison- Laurie Carson -Pool-Richard Howe – Recreation and tourism

Laurie Carson – Town of Ruth

Heavy Equipment

Form a committee to form Ballot Question Pros & Cons of Board of County Commissioners to impose Annual Increases to Tax on Certain Motor Vehicle Fuels.



Form a committee to form Ballot Question to Implement sales tax to support the Senior Center, Library, Parks and Agriculture Extension.

Approved – Coster – no

Pursue steps necessary to implement Business Licenses in County.

Approved – Howe – No


Evaluate the opportunity provided by Cannabis Industry.

Sheriff and DA to look in to possibilities.

Approved- Howe- No

Coming Events:

Monday’s – Celebrate Recovery, 16 Shoshone Circle – 7pm (775-410-1341)

January 30 – Rotary Fishing Derby

February 6 – Crab Crack

February 12-13 & 19-20 Photo Shoot

Geri Wop


“Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”

“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.”

Will Rogers

I would like to start the new year off on a positive note, so my opinion my be tongue in cheek.

January 13 Commission Meeting

  Public comments was one of the most interesting ever. Ross Rivera I do believe is one of the best prof readers and fact finders. Others noticed the misinformation in the backup for agenda item #1, but Ross made sure the changes were made. Thank you Ross.  We all should know there are 8,876 sq miles in White Pine County, the City Fire Department covers 3.75 sq. miles , BLM, Forest Service and County Fire Department cover the rest. The number of calls and volunteers were also misstated.

Agenda Item #2

  This one goes to Richard Howe. It is true the county is putting the cart before the horse. Why would you hire someone to solve your problems, if you have not even tried?  The commissioners don’t want to handle the hard choices we elected them to do.  I wish I had someone else’s money to spend. Just think of all I could do. This is also an example of taking from budge to pay for something else. How is this money going to be replaced when needed. We always called this robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Agenda Item #3

   I am still scratching my head. Do they really think the toxic air will go away? Facing the problem is the first step to solving it. The City is obviously willing to talk. I will admit the city is scary, but have they bitten anyone? Where are the grownups?

Agenda Item #4

   Ya Ya now the county can talk to the city. This is a good item and can save both the city and county money.

  Cannabis industry is a very wide industry. The right people were chosen to look in to this.

  The rest of the meeting is proposed taxes and fees. I am in favor of the .25 cent phone fee, if used to enhance the 911 service and dispatch. Dividing it between several different projects will only delay the safety aspects of the fee.

    The taxes must be voted on. More money going in to the County comes out of mine and your pockets. You must ask the big question- will the county spend your money wisely?

Sorry I couldn’t stay positive, remember this is about the County Commissioners. Real nice people, but I happen to disagree with somethings.

G Wop
