Eagle Scout (3)
Christopher Haycock with his mother Kim, and his grandparents Joe and Chickie Rhoades. (Photo Alan Rowley)

West Wendover High Senior Christopher Haycock became Wendover’s newest Eagle Scout when he received the award at a Court of Honor held on January 31st.  Haycock, a member of Troop 140 completed a 3-month project placing decorative rocks around the trees at the cemetery, a challenging project which required many hours to complete.  By receiving the Eagle Award, Haycock becomes one of the 5 percent of Boy Scouts who achieve the rank.

Following graduation, he will enroll at Utah State University where he will pursue a degree in Mining Engineering and Mining Safety, a discipline which he was influenced by his grandfather.  Christopher is pictured holding his Eagle Certificate surrounded by his Mother Kim, and his grandparents Joe and Chickie Rhoades.

“I cannot say how proud I am of him.  I often suggest Eagle projects for the youngsters and Christopher took on the rocks at the cemetery project.  If I had known how difficult this project was I probably would not have recommended he take it on.  To his credit, he spent many, many hours and frankly worked realy hard  to get it done” says Scout Leader Mr. Alan Rowley.

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Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The designation “Eagle Scout” has a long history since its founding over one hundred years ago. Only a small percentage of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill. Since its founding, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men.[2]

Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges. The Eagle scout must demonstrate Scout Spirit, an ideal attitude based upon the Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout. Additional recognition can be earned through Eagle Palms, awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements. The rank of Eagle Scout may be earned by a Boy Scout who has been a Life Scout for at least six months, has earned a minimum of 22 merit badges, has demonstrated Scout Spirit, and has demonstrated leadership within his troop, team, crew or ship.[12] Additionally he must plan, develop, and lead a service project—the Eagle Project—that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty. After all requirements are met, he must complete an Eagle Scout board of review. He can complete the board of review after his 18th birthday as long as all other requirements are completed before his 18th birthday.[12] Venturers and Sea Scouts who attained First Class as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout in a troop or team may continue working toward the Star, Life and Eagle Scout ranks, as well as Eagle Palms, while registered as a Venturer or Sea Scout up to their 18th birthday.

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