
Ely, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ely District, Basin and Range National Monument has issued a Decision Record/ Finding of No Significant Impact (DR/FONSI) and Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for Makoil, Inc.’s Murphy’s Gap APD Well No. 14-23.  The DR/FONSI and EA are available for review online at  Persons with standing must file a notice of appeal within 30 days of either receipt of the decision if served a copy of the document, or otherwise within 30 days of the date of the decision.

American Greetings Classifieds 3-10-16

The site-specific EA analyzes potential impacts that could result from Makoil’s proposal to drill an exploration oil well on a valid existing lease located within the Basin and Range National Monument in Coal Valley, about 17 miles northwest of Hiko in Lincoln County, Nev.  The project will disturb up to 5.7 acres.  Hydraulic fracturing is not proposed.

The BLM in 2010 issued Makoil a 10-year lease on the parcel.  The BLM in July 2014 received the application for permit to drill (APD).  The Basin and Range National Monument was designated on July 10, 2015, by Presidential proclamation, which provides for valid existing rights.  The BLM public comment period on the preliminary EA concluded on Oct. 20, 2015, after being extended 15 days to provide for additional public review and comment.

For more information, contact Basin and Range National Monument Manager Alicia Styles at (775) 726-8100.

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