The Haunted Ghost Train of Old Ely Do you dare join us this Halloween?


It happens each October in this remote mountain town of Ely Nevada.  The days grow shorter and the nights take on a definite chill.  They say the Ghost Train of Old Ely comes “alive” in a whole different way.  Some say that there seems to be legions of demons, ghosts, and goblins invading the otherwise peaceful setting here on those special October nights.

It has become our job to predict exactly when there might be good sightings of all the mysterious happenings around Ely.  The schedule below has been carefully researched to provide the very best viewing of UFOs, Headless Horsemen, Hitchhiking Ghosts, Haunted Tunnels, Creepy Campfires, and Ghastly Ghost towns right alongside Nevada Northern Railway’s mainline up to the old Ruth Mine.  We dare to send a trainload of brave souls out on several weekend nights in October to witness it for themselves.


You may be asking exactly how all of these eerie and mysterious scenes occur right alongside the mainline.  You might also ask why almost 100 volunteers from the communities surrounding Ely disappear around the same time as the train trip.  You might also ask why many of the ghosts and goblins possessing the rail line look amazingly like those local citizens.  Could there be a coincidence?  You can decide for yourself.  We can’t give away the ghosts’ and demons’ secrets.  All we can say is that however it is done, here’s a special thanks to the great, heartfelt community support that this event enjoys each year.  We hope you enjoy the fruits of their labors as much as the community enjoys putting it on.

So, are you brave enough to get on the Haunted Ghost Train of Old Ely this year?  Reservations are highly recommended. These trains almost always “sell out”, so to speak.  Who wants to be left behind at the depot on a night like this?

