Howard Copelan, Publisher
Howard Copelan, Publisher

Last night in Israel our daughter was awakened by an air raid siren. She picked up her two boys took to the safe room and waited for the all clear.

It came and they went back to bed.

At around the same time an Arab woman in Gaza was also awakened, this time by a cel phone call. It was her father who told her that he had been warned by the Jews that his house would be bombed.

So that young woman bundled up her kids went to her father’s house and along with a bunch of other relatives went on the roof of the house that was to be bombed. Seven were killed a few moments later.

There are things, even despicable things, that we can understand. Some men and women simply enjoy cruelty or are simply too afraid to speak out against cruelty. But that is just some kind of Old Testament Moloch child sacrificing style evil from which there is simply no understanding and no pardon.

These bearded things should not be condemned because the want to killed our grandchildren but because they so readily indeed eagerly kill their own.

We have read the Koran.

There really isn’t a whole lot in it prohibiting human shields.

There really isn’t a whole lot in the Bible either, both Old and New Testaments.

We did a word and phrase search.

There are two possible explanations for that one it was okay in ancient times to hide behind the innocent and the helpless while shooting arrows at the enemy or that it was simply unthinkable.

We tend to believe the latter simply because unlike nowadays ancient weapons were harder to wield and harder still with a kid in the way. We would also like to think that our ancestors were better than that.

Didn’t Abraham barter with G0d over the destruction of Sodom?

Apart from humans, young male chimps when they are being chased by a much bigger chimp have been seen to grab a baby chimp and hold it close. It often works this betting on the humanity of a chimpanzee.

But we don’t think the Arabs of Gaza are doing quite that.

We think they want dead babies. Ours and theirs.

We think that for them a baby martyr in full color and dead is the name of the game.

It generates world wide sympathy and cash donations.

The cost is minimal except for their souls.

They are damned.