Howard Copelan, Publisher
Howard Copelan, Publisher

Time may not heal all wounds but it does put pain into perspective.

The pain and loss this entire community felt with the murder of one so bright and beautiful four years ago has been joined with a real appreciation for Mickie Costanzo and her wonderful family.

Throughout this ordeal Celia and Teddy and their daughters were lessons to us all on how to endure with dignity the most outrageous fortune.

It was an honor to know them and a privilege to tell their story.

Bowe Bergdahl feted as a hero by the administration is now charged with desertion.

Yet in this strange Orwellian reality who can be surprized?

Allies such as Great Britain and Israel are enemies.

Enemies like the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran are allies.

Obama leads from behind and calls complete and total defeats– victories.

There are some things we will never undertand and this administration’s foreign policy is one of them.