We are firm believers in using Occam’s razor- the simplest explanation is usually the correct one- when faced with any mystery.

The theory appeals to us primarily because we are lazy and thinking is hard work.

Toni Fratto’s confession in the murder of Mickey Costanzo therefore confounds us.

Until she bared her soul and confessed her involvement the case was relatively cut and dried albeit tragic.

A beautiful vivacious young girl was murdered by a deranged sociopath who had long been identified by classmates as the boy most likely to commit a homicide.

In going through the police report of her confession, the only way we can make it work is if they were timing themselves with a stop watch.

Without that less than an hour deadline between Mickey’s disappearance and Toni Fratto’s documented arrival to a Recreation District meeting the crime is easy to explain.

So what are we to make of Toni Fratto’s confession?

Indeed what are we to make of the Fratto family?

From all accounts Kody Patten was not a good boy in the months before he escalated to murder he allegedly abused them verbally and emotionally. And the Fratto parents ceded control of their lives and the life of the daughter to him.

Indeed of the four people still alive involved in this crime Kody Patten is the easiest to understand.

Any teenage boy will push boundaries and challenge authority. An evil boy without a moral compass will make anyone’s life a living hell.

And that appears to be exactly what Kody Patten did to the Frattos.

While we sympathize with the pain they went through for two years we cannot understand why?

We know very few parents who would open their home to their under aged child’s lover. Calling him a fiancé or boyfriend doesn’t change the fact though it does put a nicer picture on the sordid situation. We certainly know no one who would continue to allow the boyfriend to stay if he was insulting or disrespectful. And we cannot fathom how they continued to maintain this relationship when he attacked their own flesh and blood.

If Mickey Costanzo had not been murdered this sorry story would have simply remained a  morality play illustrating that being weak and cowardly leads to no good.

But Mickey Costanzo is dead. She was murdered two months ago by either Kody Patten and Toni Fratto or by Kody Patten by himself.

Fixing guilt will be a job for a jury.

Feeling guilty should be the duty of the Frattos.

They provided a murderer perhaps two murderers a safe and secure refuge and a little girl was killed.

Finally we have heard a lot of snide remarks about the Fratto’s faith being factor in this story.

We have one word for that– BALDERDASH.

Even in our age of political correctness being anti-Mormon is one of the only acceptable forms of bigotry around. It is just as wrong and disgraceful to condemn the LDS church for every crime a Mormon committed as it would be to condemn any other creed.

Which church the Frattos attend has about as much bearing on the killing of Mickey Costanzo as the color of their eyes.