We are pressed once again with a Jewish holiday coming up to finish this edition before sundown.

Being orthodox we kind of go Amish on our festivals we don’t drive, answer the phone or touch anything that has to do with electricity.

But while we are in a hurry we would be remiss if we did not thank our friends, neighbors, clients and service providers for accommodating our eccentricities.

Middle America as portrayed by popular media is a bigoted racist close minded place where minorities are not welcomed and not wanted.

Of all the lies in the history of lying this is perhaps the biggest, the foulest and the most evil.

Where a kid wearing a yarmulke literally takes his life in his hands in some neighborhoods of New York, Paris or Los Angeles, our boys have gone to school wearing theirs for a decade with not a single incident except for the perfectly acceptable question “What’s the beanie for?”

Today three clients went above and beyond helping us close out the week on Wednesday because we will be shut down till Sunday.

We would like to think that people are nice to us because we are nice to them, but we think it goes deeper than that.

Of course there are bad people in the High Desert just as there are bad people everywhere, but there seem to be fewer of them out here and many more good people.

So why does rural America have such a bad rap?

Maybe it is because its the city folk who do the rapping.

Cities do breed anonymity, one can live there all ones life and not know a neighbor.

Here that is impossible.

Everyone knows everyone and thus everyone is accountable and accountable quickly.

Lie cheat or steal we all know and sooner rather than later the price is paid, if not by an arrest then by the much more effective shunning.

Evil on the other hand thrives in anonymity.

What is so awful about not caring for ones neighbor if one will never know his or her neighbors name?

It is easier to hate a stranger and in a city full of strangers hatred breeds like rats.

While country bumpkins have been traditionally derided by intellectuals for being uncivilized and uncouth, it should be remembered that while intellectuals flocked to the Nazi swastika or the communist hammer and sickle and committed the greatest mass murders in the history of the world, peasants resisted.

They did not go along for the “greater good” because no matter how pretty one can spin tyranny and death it is still tyranny and death.

The east and the left coasts will continue to portray rural America as the want, but we know different.

And for all their disdain we know the people out here are better than the people over there.