Now in his second week on the run Abraham “Trucker” Morales is becoming something of a outlaw hero as he evades capture by local police.

It has been ten days since Morales escaped police custody following his arrest for ”yelling at them”.

Morales was arrested around 4:30 am Monday June 4, when they arrived to break up a fight at a local bar that he was not involved in and that was no longer going on. according to the police department press release Morales only obvious infraction was yelling them.

Police also allege that Morales also consumed alcohol – a violation of his parole agreement. It is unclear however if police had time to test Morales for alcohol consumption before he made good his getaway.

Morales was handcuffed and placed in a patrol car for transport. Officers were then alerted to another fight at the same bar. As police investigated the second fight, Morales freed himself from the police vehicle and fled the scene while still handcuffed.

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Morales is described as being approximately 6’2” 160 pounds, short brown hair, brown eyes. He is known to go by the nickname “Trucker.”

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Morales’ escape and the police so far failure to recapture him has turned him to something of a hero especially in Wendover’s large Latino community.

“The most those cops have done is bring ICE into this town and take patents away from poor innocent children who’m they should be ptotecting, this is a small community in the first place shouldn’t they be a little more associated with the people living here?” wrote one blogger on the Advocate’s webpage. “Instead they have been harassing this man and his poor mother and have threatend Abraham and his younger sister with a child whom is only 4 years old and is Abraham’s son telling them that if Abraham and his younger sister would not answer questions that had nothing to do with themselves that they were going to deport their mother who is a citizen of the United States. We need to do something as a community about these police officers. We have woman abusers, pedafiles, and unworthy crooked cops! How are we supposed to feel safe?”

But as Trucker grows in esteem, the failure of police to catch him is breeding ridicule on the department.

“This says ALOT about our police department lmfao!!!!”

“Well the point is they left him unattended which should have NEVER happened!!!”

Are other comments written by bloggers.

The fact that Morales has remained free for now almost two weeks may indicate that he is receiving help in the community despite a public plea from police for assistance from the public.



3 thoughts on ““Run Trucker Run” Hood Becomes Hero After Escaping Cops”
  1. HAHA Oh Trucker only you my friend!!! This is too funny, I’ll be surprised if they find him. Maybe they will “IF” trucker decides he wants them to. LMAO

  2. I hope that he is safe and that no harm has come to him and that he will do the right thing and give him self up so that his family can be spared any more threats. Life in NEVADA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vigilante cops and cruelty to humans seems to be par the course in that state glad I left never to return!!!!!!!!!!

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