
If drug dealing was graded Christopher Pace and Thomas Storr both of Salt Lake would have earned ‘F’s’ for their broad daylight transaction in front of several witnesses in the Rainbow Casino Parking lot Tuesday.

As it is both are in jail.

West Wendover Police were called to the casino’s parking lot by witness who saw the brazen deal go down right before their eyes, which in the early afternoon sun was not hard to miss.

Those witnesses told police they saw the two men sell what they believed to be illegal drugs to a third man who at that moment was in a tent pitched across the street at the Peppermill parking lot, presumably partaking of his recent purchase. Witnesses pointed out the tent and police went to have a chat with the suspect.

WEN10171913ABBQ2As it turned out Storr and Pace not only picked the wrong time and the wrong place to sell drugs they also picked the wrong customer.

That customer identified as Jeffrey Lewis also of Salt Lake City perhaps upset because the drugs he thought he bought were not illegal drugs at all but rather large salt crystals.

According to WWPD sergeant David Wiskerchen salt crystals bear a striking resemblance to crystal meth.

Lewis was extremely cooperative with police and helped officers locate the duo.

When interviewed the two men denied selling drugs evidently unaware that selling fake drugs is also a felony in Nevada.

artshowadBoth men were arrested and charged not only on the imitation drug counts but also on trespass charges on Rainbow property. According to Wiskerchen the two had been permanently 86’d from the casino for repeated bad behavior. Storr was also found to have  four outstanding warrants.

Storr was booked on a combined $12,661 bail while his alleged partner Pace was booked on a combined $10,500 bail.

Lewis the scammed customer was also arrested on two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia. Hie bail was set at $2,000.