Howard Copelan, Publisher
Howard Copelan, Publisher

A couple of some years ago we began to receive anonymous Hanukkah presents.

The first we thought was a one off.

But the next year another came.

And the next year another.

We don’t have the foggiest idea who is sending them and we aren’t even going to try to find out.

All we can say is that is nice to have a secret Santa (yes we know that might strike some purists as inappropriate).

Thank you whoever you are and may your holiday be as wonderful and joyous as ours you helped make.


Another thanks we must make is to the FedEx driver who was so helpful after our delivery man crashed on the way to Ely a couple of weeks ago.

The FedEx man was the first on the scene help our man and his wife out of their van called for help and then brought our newspapers to their destination in Ely.

The world is said to turn on 36 good men.

He is one.