
Sunday March 13, a Palestinian terrorist murdered American veteran Taylor Force. As America and Israel mourned, the Palestinian government celebrated. On official media, Taylor’s murderer was hailed as a martyr.

America gives nearly $300 million a year to the Palestinian Authority in aid – money they use to fund programs to glorify terrorists like the ones who murdered Taylor.

American tax dollars used to incite terrorism and murder, and to celebrate terrorism and murder against Americans. This outrage must be stopped.

Tell the Palestinian Authority: Stop celebrating the murder of Americans.

34 people have been murdered in the current terror wave in Israel, including 4 Americans. This terror wave is driven by incitement that is broadcast over and over again by official Palestinian media.

Taylor Force was everything you would expect of America’s finest. He was a graduate of West Point, an army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an Eagle Scout. The blame for his murder can be laid squarely on the continued incitement to murder by Palestinian leaders and official Palestinian media.

Tell the Palestinian Authority: Stop celebrating the murder of Americans. Stop inciting terror.