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The mission of FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake is to preserve and protect the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the Lake through education, research, advocacy, and the arts.

Every two years we host a Great Salt Lake Issues Forum to highlight the complexities of the research, issues and management challenges for Great Salt Lake. As we know, the Lake is a significant economic generator to the tune of $1.3 B annually to the state of Utah but is also a hemispherically significant ecosystem to millions of migratory birds. As you would expect, overseeing effective management of this unique saline system with its array of ecosystem services,  and protecting it does not come without ample headaches especially when proposals like the Bear River Water Development project get more and more traction with funding support like SB 80 etc.

Cocktail Waitresses 5:12 & 5:19:16

With these things in mind, we wanted to extend an invitation for you, the reader, to join at the upcoming 2016 GSL Issues Forum – May 11-13th at your leisure so you can experience this briny conversation and schmooze with lots of lake minded people. We also have presenters coming in from Salton Sea, Owens Lake and Mono Lake where those systems are also experiencing pressures that will be shared with us here so we can learn from others’ mistakes. More information can be found at: http://www.fogsl.org/2016forum

Auction May 7-d

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