The funny thing about evil is that it is an occasional condition.
An evil person is not evil all the time.
If they were they would be easier to spot and easier to prevent from committing their unspeakable crimes.
The cold blooded, premeditated murder of Micaela Costanzo was an evil act.
It offends our senses and sensibility.
We are sure that Kody Patten will sooner or later probably sooner be examined by a psychiatrist. And we are sure that somewhere the good doctor will come up with a perfectly good sounding explanation of just why this seemingly normal albeit angst ridden teenager murdered Micaela Costanzo.
We know we won’t buy it.
Whatever trauma Kody Patten suffered or may have suffered while he was in the womb or in childhood or last year or two months ago no explanation will suffice other than on the third of March 2011 he was evil.
Having raised two boys to adulthood and having been one ourselves we are intimately aware and acquainted with adolescent rage. But at the same time we also know that even when the blood runs the hottest there is ever present that small still voice that beckons to one’s better nature.
The difference between Kody and most other normal boys is that Kody didn’t listen. Maybe he never listened or maybe he failed to listen just on March third. It really doesn’t matter that day will mark him just as surely as G0d marked Cain.
It is most unfortunate that Micaela will be forever linked to her killer.
We grieve for her family not only for the still too fresh loss of their daughter but for the pain and loss Patten will inflict on them in the decades to come.
For their sakes we hope Patten does not get the death penalty and they are spared the endless motions and appeals that make it such a farce in Nevada today.
While the West Wendover police officer should be commended for his initiative in posting the fact a young girl had gone missing on his facebook page the same cannot be said for Police Chief Ron Supp who released news of Micaela disappearance a mere 18 hours after the first report.
Although Patten admits to killing this beautiful daughter of Wendover shortly after he abducted her what if he had not?
We don’t think it is written down anywhere in the Policeman’s handbook but we have always assumed everyone knew that we don’t pay police to write jaywalking tickets or set up speed traps.
That’s busy work to fill up the time.
We pay them to protect our children. And when a child goes missing waiting one hour to officially announce the fact is not acceptable.
We were never e-mailed the press release because Chief Ron is still mad at us for being mean to him.
Is that a win in his book?
An evil person is not evil all the time, but a stupid person is.

One thought on “Evil Occassional But Permanent”
  1. “And we are sure that somewhere the good doctor will come up with a perfectly good sounding explanation of just why this seemingly normal albeit angst ridden teenager murdered Micaela Costanzo”.

    This is not necessarily so, especially if this is the work of a psychopath(s). Psychopaths are born psychopathic, their brain scans back this up. Psychopaths do not have reasons, only rationalizations. They also have poor self control. Psychopaths are incapable of understanding the concept of morality… at one time in history they were called moral embecils. Because they are superficially charming and their crimes usually require cunning, psychopaths have yet to receive sympathy from the court for having a mental impairment. In fact, prosecutors have argued that presence of psychopathy is a mitigating factor FOR the death penalty.

    The psychopath has no moral compass but YOU do have. Can you justify the death penalty for someone you know commits acts of violence due to a mental defect? Does the inhumane acts of the psychopath cause you to loose your humanity? Just asking.

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