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Side walk graffiti at the Elko County courthouse prompted the closure of government operations Monday, said County Manager Robert Stokes.

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According to Stoke the sidewalk “art” depicting a bomb with the word ‘freedom’ across its center was discovered at the start of of the business day Monday at 8 am.

“It turned out there was nothing more to it than the stencil,” Stokes said. “But in our day and age we had to take full precautions. We evacuated the building and called the police to do a sweep through the whole building. It took the entire day and a lot our staff left so quickly they left their cell phones laptops and tablets in their offices.”

The stencil is a copy of clip art found on the deviant art website and copywrited by an artist known as ‘kurtis’ while there has been speculation that the graffiti was done in protest of taxes because of the proximity to the annual property tax assessment the artist left no other message.

Currently police are reviewing security camera footage from around the courthouse to try and identify the culprit and f caught could face a range of charges from simple misdeamenor vandalism to making a terrorist threat a federal felony which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

One thought on “Bomb Graffiti Shuts Down Elko County Government”
  1. It irks me that every non-elected bureaucrat that doesn’t represent you, uses the word “Terrorist” at every whim. The real terrorists are the bureaucrats in the US. They use every means possible to justify their position of theft of peoples assets to justify their positions.

    Any person of reasonable thought see this as a an expression of objection to the bureaucracy that is know as “Government”. This is NOT a terrorist act.

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